Gas Cylinder Color Code Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered what those colorful gas cylinders in industrial settings contain? As a mechanical engineer with over a decade of experience, I’m here to demystify the gas cylinder color coding system. In this article, we’ll explore the standardized color codes and markings used to identify various gases, ensuring safety and efficiency in the workplace. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of gas cylinder identification!

Gas Cylinder Color Code Chart A Comprehensive Guide

Table Of Contents

Note: This color coding system is based on common industry standards, but may vary slightly depending on regional regulations and specific manufacturer practices. Always refer to local safety guidelines and cylinder labels for definitive identification.

Table 1. Gas Cylinder Color Code Chart

No.Gas NameChemical FormulaCylinder ColorLetteringLetter ColorRing Color
1AcetyleneC2H2WhiteAcetylene – Keep away from open flameBright red
2HydrogenH2Light greenHydrogenBright redP = 20, light yellow single ring
P = 30, light yellow double ring
3OxygenO2Light (thioindigo) blueOxygenBlackP = 20, white single ring
4NitrogenN2BlackNitrogenLight yellowP = 30, white double ring
6Carbon DioxideCO2Aluminum whiteLiquid Carbon DioxideBlackP = 20, black single ring
7AmmoniaNH3Light yellowLiquid AmmoniaBlack
8ChlorineCl2Dark greenLiquid ChlorineWhite
10TetrafluoromethaneCF4Aluminum whiteFreon-14Black
11MethaneCH4BrownMethaneWhiteP = 20, light yellow single ring
P = 30, light yellow double ring
12Natural GasBrownNatural GasWhite
13EthaneC2H6BrownLiquefied EthaneWhiteP = 15, light yellow single ring
P = 20, light yellow double ring
14PropaneC3H8BrownLiquefied PropaneWhite
15ButaneC4H10BrownLiquefied ButaneWhite
16Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)Industrial useBrownLiquefied Petroleum GasWhite
Residential useSilver grayLiquefied Petroleum GasBright red
17EthyleneC2H4BrownLiquefied EthyleneLight yellowP = 15, white single ring
P = 20, white double ring
18ArgonArSilver grayArgonDark greenP = 20, white single ring
P = 30, white double ring
19HeliumHeSilver grayHeliumDark green
20NeonNeSilver grayNeonDark green
21KryptonKrSilver grayKryptonDark green
22Carbon MonoxideCOSilver grayCarbon MonoxideBright red

Gas Cylinder Conditions:

(1) Inspection Intervals Based on Cylinder Type and Service:

a. Seamless Steel Gas Cylinders:

  • Biennial inspection (every 2 years): Cylinders for corrosive gases, diving applications, and those exposed to seawater.
  • Triennial inspection (every 3 years): General-purpose cylinders.
  • Quinquennial inspection (every 5 years): Inert gas cylinders.
  • Mandatory retirement: Cylinders exceeding 30 years of service life must be registered and decommissioned without further inspection.

b. Welded Steel Gas Cylinders:

  • Biennial inspection (every 2 years): Cylinders for corrosive gases.
  • Triennial inspection (every 3 years): General-purpose cylinders.
  • Mandatory retirement: Corrosive gas cylinders must be decommissioned after 12 years of service.

c. Liquefied Gas Cylinders:

  • Quadrennial inspection (every 4 years): First three inspection cycles from the date of manufacture.
  • Triennial inspection (every 3 years): Fourth inspection cycle.
  • Mandatory retirement: After 15 years of service.

d. Acetylene Gas Cylinders:

  • Triennial inspection (every 3 years).

(2) Cylinder Integrity:

Gas cylinders must be free from defects, mechanical damage, or severe corrosion. Any corrosion spots should not exceed 2mm in depth and 200mm in length.

(3) Cylinder Markings and Labeling:

The cylinder’s surface must comply with regulations regarding:

  • Paint color
  • Lettering
  • Ring markings
  • Presence of a gas cylinder warning label

(Refer to Table 2-1-1 in the attached document for specific requirements)

(4) Safety Accessories:

All safety accessories must be complete, intact, and fully functional. These include:

  • Burst disks
  • Safety valves
  • Fusible alloy plugs
  • Cylinder valves
  • Cylinder caps
  • Shock-absorbing rings
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Founder of MachineMFG

As the founder of MachineMFG, I have dedicated over a decade of my career to the metalworking industry. My extensive experience has allowed me to become an expert in the fields of sheet metal fabrication, machining, mechanical engineering, and machine tools for metals. I am constantly thinking, reading, and writing about these subjects, constantly striving to stay at the forefront of my field. Let my knowledge and expertise be an asset to your business.

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