체크무늬 접시 무게 계산기(온라인 및 무료)

Have you ever wondered about the weight of those patterned steel plates you see every day? In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of checkered steel plates. As a mechanical engineer with years of experience, I’ll share my insights on how factors like material, thickness, and pattern shape influence the weight of these versatile plates. Get ready to learn something new and exciting!


Calculating the Weight of Checkered Steel Plates

The weight of a checkered steel plate is a critical factor in material selection, structural design, and logistics planning. It depends on several key parameters, including the plate’s base material composition, nominal thickness, overall dimensions, and the specific pattern of the raised checks. To calculate the weight of a standard flat steel plate, the following formula is commonly used:

Weight (kg) = 7.85 x Length (m) x Width (m) x Thickness (m)

Where 7.85 is the density of mild steel in g/cm³ or kg/dm³. However, for checkered plates, this calculation requires adjustment to account for the additional material in the raised pattern.

The theoretical weight of checkered plates varies based on their unique characteristics:

  1. Pattern Type: Common patterns include diamond, lenticular, and five-bar designs, each adding different amounts of material.
  2. Pattern Height: Typically ranging from 1 to 5 mm above the base thickness.
  3. Base Thickness: The nominal thickness of the plate before the pattern is added.

To accurately estimate the weight of checkered plates, manufacturers often provide weight tables or correction factors. A general rule of thumb is to add 1.5 – 3% to the calculated weight of a flat plate with the same nominal thickness, depending on the pattern specifications.

Theoretical Weight of Checkered Plates

The theoretical weight per square meter for checkered plates can vary significantly based on the specific pattern shape and thickness:

  • Lentil-shaped pattern: 40.1 kg/m²
  • Diamond pattern (2.5mm thick): 21.6 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern (8mm thick): 56.2 kg/m²

Overall, the theoretical weight of checkered plates can range from as low as 1.6 kg/m² to 29.5 kg/m², depending on these factors. It’s essential to consider both the pattern shape and thickness when determining the expected weight of a checkered plate.

Chequered Plate

Checkered Plate Weight Calculators

To simplify the process of determining the weight of checkered plates, you can use online calculators designed for specific materials. These calculators take into account factors such as pattern shape, thickness, width, length, and number of pieces to provide an estimated weight.

1. Checkered Steel Plate Weight Calculator

For checkered mild steel (MS) plates, use the following calculator:

Simply select the pattern shape (diamond, lentil, or round bean), input the thickness (2.5mm to 8mm), width, length, and number of pieces, and the calculator will display the estimated weight in kilograms.

관련 계산기:

2. Checkered Aluminum Plate Weight Calculator

To calculate the weight of checkered aluminum plates, use this calculator:

Input the thickness (2.5mm to 8mm), width, length, and number of pieces to obtain the estimated weight in kilograms.

Important Considerations:

While these calculators provide a convenient way to estimate the weight of checkered plates, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the results are for reference purposes only. The actual weight of the plates may differ from the theoretical weight by an error margin ranging from 0.2% to 0.7%.

When using these calculated weights for transactions or other critical applications, exercise caution and verify the actual weight whenever possible to ensure accuracy.

Chequered Steel Plate Weight Charts

For quick reference, consult these comprehensive weight charts for checkered steel plates in various thicknesses and pattern shapes.

1. Standard Checkered Steel Plate Weight Chart

Allowable deviation
둥근 콩

2. Stainless Steel Checkered Plate Weight Chart


Important Notes:

  • Steel plate width: 600mm to 1800mm (50mm increments)
  • Steel plate length: 2000mm to 12000mm (100mm increments)
  • Pattern height: Minimum 0.2 times the base plate thickness
  • Steel grade: In accordance with GB/T700, GB/T712, and GB/T4171
  • Mechanical properties: Not guaranteed unless agreed upon by both parties
  • Delivery condition: Hot-rolled state

Use these weight charts as a handy guide when working with checkered steel plates. Remember to account for allowable deviations and to refer to the appropriate standards for steel grade and mechanical properties if required for your specific application.

Checkered Steel Plate Weight by Thickness and Pattern

The weight of checkered steel plates in kg/m² varies depending on the plate thickness and the specific pattern shape. Here’s a breakdown of the weights for common thicknesses and patterns:

2.5mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 21.6 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 21.3 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 21.1 kg/m²

3mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 25.6 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 24.4 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 24.3 kg/m²

3.5mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 29.5 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 28.4 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 28.3 kg/m²

4mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 33.4 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 32.4 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 32.3 kg/m²

4.5mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 38.6 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 38.3 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 36.2 kg/m²

5mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 42.3 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 40.5 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 40.2 kg/m²

5.5mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 46.2 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 44.3 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 44.1 kg/m²

6mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 50.1 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 48.4 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 48.1 kg/m²

7mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 59.0 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 58.0 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 52.4 kg/m²

8mm Thickness

  • Diamond pattern: 66.8 kg/m²
  • Lentil pattern: 65.8 kg/m²
  • Round bean pattern: 56.2 kg/m²

Use this information to quickly determine the expected weight of checkered steel plates based on your required thickness and preferred pattern shape. This data can help you make informed decisions when selecting materials for your projects and estimating total weight for transportation and installation purposes.

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