What Is Roundness and How to Measure It?

Have you ever wondered what makes a perfect circle? In the world of mechanical engineering, roundness is a crucial concept that affects the performance and longevity of rotating components. This article dives into the intricacies of roundness, exploring its definition, measurement methods, and the factors that influence it. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or a curious learner, understanding roundness is key to designing and maintaining high-precision machinery.

Table Of Contents


Roundness in JIS B0621-1984

Definition and Expression

In the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) B0621-1984, which pertains to the definition and expression of form and position deviations, roundness is defined as “the deviation from the geometric circle of a circular body.” This standard provides a precise method for representing roundness, which is crucial for ensuring the quality and functionality of circular components in mechanical engineering.

Representation Method

The representation of roundness in JIS B0621-1984 is as follows:

  • Geometric Circles: When assessing the roundness of a circular body (denoted as C), the body is conceptually sandwiched between two concentric geometric circles.
  • Minimum Interval: The minimum interval between these two concentric circles is measured.
  • Radius Difference: This interval is expressed as the radius difference (f) between the two circles.
  • Units of Measurement: Roundness is quantified in millimeters (mm) or micrometers (µm).

Importance in Rotating Components

For rotating components, evaluating their true circular shape is critical to ensure proper function and longevity. The immediate concern is to determine the roundness tolerance, which is the permissible deviation from a perfect circle. This evaluation begins with:

Roundness Tolerance

  • Definition: Roundness tolerance specifies the allowable deviation from the ideal circular geometry.
  • Measurement Techniques: Various measurement techniques, such as coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), roundness testers, and profilometers, are employed to assess roundness.
  • Impact on Performance: Ensuring components meet roundness tolerance is vital for reducing vibration, minimizing wear, and ensuring smooth operation in machinery.

Understanding Roundness Tolerance

Definition of Roundness Tolerance

Roundness tolerance, also known as circularity tolerance, is a geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) specification that defines the allowable deviation from a perfect circle in a cross-sectional plane of a cylindrical or spherical part. It ensures that the measured circumference of a part lies within a specified tolerance zone, which is the area between two concentric circles of the same section with a radius difference of t. This tolerance zone guarantees that the part maintains a consistent circular shape within the defined limits.

Visualization of Roundness Tolerance

Imagine a cross-section of a cylindrical part. The roundness tolerance zone is depicted as the area between two concentric circles. The radius difference t between these circles represents the allowable deviation from the ideal circular form. Any point on the actual circumference of the part must fall within this zone to meet the roundness tolerance requirement.

Causes of Roundness and Cylindricity Tolerance Issues

Several factors can lead to deviations in roundness and cylindricity, affecting the precision and functionality of machined parts. Here are the common causes:

Roundness tolerance zone
  1. Vibration of Processing Machinery: Vibrations during machining can lead to irregularities in the roundness and cylindricity of the part. This is often due to unstable machine settings or external disturbances.
  2. Deterioration of Rotating Parts: Wear and tear of the rotating components in the processing machine can result in poor roundness and cylindricity. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of worn parts are crucial to maintain precision.
  3. Poor Shape of Central Hole: If the central hole of the workpiece is not perfectly shaped, it can cause deviations in the roundness and cylindricity during subsequent machining processes.
  4. Deformation from Previous Processing: When using a centerless grinder, any deformation from earlier processing stages can affect the roundness and cylindricity of the final product. Ensuring proper handling and intermediate checks can mitigate this issue.
  5. Improper Holding Fixture or Method: Incorrect fixturing or holding methods can distort the workpiece, leading to deviations in roundness and cylindricity. Using appropriate fixtures and clamping techniques is essential for maintaining accuracy.
  6. Tool Wear and Vibration: Wear and improper installation of cutting tools, along with vibrations during cutting, can cause poor roundness. Regular tool inspection and replacement, along with vibration control, are necessary to ensure precision.
  7. Deformation from Heat Treatment: Heat treatment processes can cause thermal deformation, affecting the roundness and cylindricity of the finished part. Controlling the heat treatment parameters and allowing for proper cooling can help minimize such deformations.

Evaluation of Roundness

There are several methods for evaluating roundness, each with its own unique features and advantages. The method to use is typically selected based on the specific requirements of the workpiece.

Simple measurement methods

Such as:

Diameter method

Roundness can be directly measured using tools such as micrometers. This method is simple and easy to perform. However, when evaluating triangle and pentagonal equal-diameter circles, it is easy to measure them as circular if they are not, leading to incorrect results.

Three point method

The three-point method can obtain roundness data through [V-block + micrometer / meter + bench].

However, the three-point method may result in incorrect measurements due to differences in the tangent line at the selected support point and difficulties in determining the center of the reference point. Additionally, errors may occur during measurement due to the up and down movement with the rotation of the object being measured.

Measurement methods based on relevant standards

Such as:

Radius method

The radius method evaluates the roundness by using the difference between the maximum and minimum radius obtained after rotating the workpiece for one cycle. As shown in the figure, the measurement results can also be easily impacted by the workpiece’s horizontal operation.

The tolerance zone is between two concentric circles on the same section

Central method

Compared with the central method, the radius method is mostly used for more precise measurement needs. The data of roundness detection depends on the reference circle. Different evaluation methods of the test circle will result in different central positions of the reference circle, thereby affecting the axial position of the measured circular feature.

  • Least square circle LSC

To determine roundness, the measured contour is fit to a circle and the sum of squares of the deviation of the contour data from the circle is minimized. Then, the roundness value is defined as the difference between the maximum deviation (the highest peak value to the lowest valley value) of the contour and the circle.

ΔZ=Rmax-Rmin, symbol representing roundness value through LSC

  • Minimum area circle MZC

To minimize the radial difference, two concentric circles are placed around the measured contour. The roundness value is defined as the radial interval between the two circles.

ΔZ=Rmax-Rmin , symbol representing roundness value through MZC

  • Minimum circumscribed circle MCC

First, create the smallest circle that encloses the measured profile. Then, the roundness value is defined as the maximum deviation between the contour and the circle. This method is commonly used for evaluating shafts, rods, and similar objects.

ΔZ=Rmax-Rmin , the symbol of roundness value through MCC.

  • Maximum inscribed circle MIC

Create the largest circle that can enclose the measured profile. Then, the roundness value is defined as the maximum deviation between the contour and the circle.

ΔZ=Rmax-Rmin , the symbol indicating roundness value through MIC.

When evaluating roundness, the obtained contour is typically filtered to reduce or eliminate the influence of unnecessary noise.

Influence of filter on measured contour

Filtering methods and the set filtering cut-off values (UPR: fluctuations per revolution) can vary depending on the specific measurement requirements. The figure below illustrates the varying effects of filter settings on the measured contour.

No filter:

Low pass filter:

Bandpass filter:

As evaluators, what can these figures tell us?

Analysis of Measurement Chart

Figure: chart of measurement results

1UPR component

1 UPR: only one wave is retained after filtering:

1UPR component indicates the eccentricity of the workpiece relative to the rotating axis of the measuring instrument.

The amplitude of the waveform depends on the adjustment of its level.

2UPR component

2UPR components may indicate:

① Insufficient level adjustment of measuring instruments;

② Circular runout caused by incorrect installation of the workpiece on the machine tool forming its shape;

③ The shape of the workpiece is oval in design, for example, in the piston of IC engine.

3~5UPR component

May indicate:

① Deformation caused by too tight retaining chuck on the measuring instrument.

② Relaxation deformation caused by stress release when unloading from the fixed chuck of the processing machine tool.

5~15 UPR component

It usually refers to unbalanced factors in the processing method or the process of producing workpieces.

15 (more) UPR components

15 (or more) UPR conditions are usually caused by their own causes, such as tool chatter, machine vibration, coolant transfer effect, material inhomogeneity, etc.

Main Parameters for Evaluating Roundness

RONtThe measured value of roundness represents the difference between the maximum value of positive roundness curve and the minimum value of negative roundness curve or the sum of absolute values.
RONpThe measured peak height of roundness curve represents the maximum value of positive roundness curve.
RONVThe measured value of roundness represents the absolute value of the minimum value of the negative roundness curve.
RONqThe double root mean square roundness measurement represents the double root mean square of the roundness curve.

Finally, let’s take a look at what tools and instruments are available to measure roundness?

Common Tools / Instruments for Evaluating Roundness


Roundness measuring instrument:

Coordinate measuring machine:

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After reading this article, I hope you have gained a deeper understanding of roundness. If you have any further questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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As the founder of MachineMFG, I have dedicated over a decade of my career to the metalworking industry. My extensive experience has allowed me to become an expert in the fields of sheet metal fabrication, machining, mechanical engineering, and machine tools for metals. I am constantly thinking, reading, and writing about these subjects, constantly striving to stay at the forefront of my field. Let my knowledge and expertise be an asset to your business.

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